Webinaire "The Role of Physiotherapy in Sustainable Healthcare"

Date 04-04-2023
Heure 19:00
Heure de fin 20:30
Prix non-membres Gratuit
Prix membres AXXON Gratuit

The Europe region of World Physiotherapy has been striving as part of its strategic to uphold and enhance sustainable health care. During this webinar there will be an overview of the methods used and also on how this European organisation is promoting these practices to it members organisations and the physiotherapists practising in the EU and globally. A webinar will be held in line with the theme "Tackling the Climate Crisis" with the title of session being "Physiotherapy for Sustainable Healthcare".

The primary obejctive of this webinary is that participants will learn further on how physiotherapy services are a better option to address climate crisis, which approach is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030.

Informations et inscriptions

Zoom link will be sent by email to all registered participants ahead of the event.