Excercse training in patiënts with diabetes:state-of-the art KNWV

Datum 27-04-2023
Uur 20:00
Einduur 22:00
Adres ZOWE Brugge, Barrièrestraat 2d, 8200 Brugge
Contact Jean Van Hoornweder
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Organiserende kring KineKring Noord-West-Vlaanderen
Prijs AXXON-leden Gratis
Titel : Exercise training in patients with diabete: state-of-the art
Spreker : Prof. Patrick Calders
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Impact of Exercise-Nutritional State Interactions in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Verboven K, Wens I, Vandenabeele F, Stevens AN, Celie B, Lapauw B, Dendale P, VAN Loon LJC, Calders P, Hansen D. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2020 52:720-72
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